Membership Information

Membership categories and pricing

Membership Policy Member Benefits


1-year professional membership - $60 
Professional members are eligible for all rights and benefits.

Professional category description:

  • Journalists employed by newspapers, wire/news services, online news organizations, or general circulation magazines without ownership ties to the health industry.
  • Journalists employed by commercial or publicly supported television or radio stations without health care industry ties.
  • Journalists employed by industry trade publications or newsletters without health care industry ties.
  • Full-time faculty in journalism or mass communication degree programs.
  • Freelance journalists who spend at least 50% of their time working for independent news organizations, do not pitch stories to other journalists nor work in any media relations role. (NOTE: Freelancers spending most of their time working for organizations mentioned under the Associate category, will be considered for the Associate category.)

Professional member rates:

  • 1-year membership $60 
  • 2-year membership $108
    (Save 10%)
  • 3-year membership $153
    (Save 15%)


Special international offer! 

Journalists residing outside the United States may sign up for half the cost. Please be sure to check "International" on your application form. 

Join as Professional

Professional - 2 year

2-year professional membership - $108 two-year membership (Save 10%)

Join as Professional - 2 year

Professional - 3 year

3-year professional membership - $153 (Save 15%)

Join as Professional - 3 year

Professional - 6 month

6-month professional membership - $30 

Join as Professional - 6 month


Benefits: Associate members are eligible for all rights and benefits except voting, serving on the board, and transition assistance. Associate members may serve on committees along with professional and allied members.

Associate category descriptions


  • Journalists who write or edit for peer-reviewed medical or science journals published by associations or trade groups.
  • Freelance journalists who spend less than 50% of their time working for independent news organizations, and who do not pitch stories to other journalists nor have any media relations role.
  • Journalists who, in their primary job, write for or edit for trade group publications with health care industry ties, associations, or advocacy organizations, but who do not pitch stories to other writers or oversee others who do.
  • Journalists who write for or edit health company-owned publications or websites (without pitching stories to other journalists nor working in any media relations role.)
  • Journalists, who in their primary job, write for or edit government publications/websites (without pitching stories to other journalists nor working in any media relations role.)
  • Full-time faculty in non-journalism degree programs.

Associate category member rates


  • 1-year membership $60 
  • 2-year membership $108 
    (Save 10%)
  • 3-year membership $153 
    (Save 15%)

Special international offer! 

Journalists residing outside the United States may sign up for half the cost. Please be sure to check "International" on your application form. 

Students / Retired journalists:

  • Full-time undergraduate and graduate students in journalism or non-journalism studies.
  • Retirees who were formerly full-time journalists and who are not now working for another organization or freelancing.


Students / Retired journalists:

  • 1-year membership $30 
  • 2-year membership $54 
    (Save 10%)
  • 3-year membership $76 
    (Save 15%)


Join as Associate

Associate - 2 year

2 year associate membership - $108 two-year membership (Save 10%)

Join as Associate - 2 year

Associate - 3 year

3 year associate membership - $153 three-year membership (Save 15%)

Join as Associate - 3 year

Associate - 6-month

6-month associate membership - $30

Join as Associate - 6-month


Benefits: Allied members are eligible for all rights and benefits except voting, serving on the board, transition assistance, and posting to the email discussion list or freelance directory. Allied members may serve on committees along with professional and associate members.

Allied category descriptions

Health Care Provider

Health care providers who have part-time roles writing columns, blogging, broadcasting, or otherwise reporting health information to the public through independent or non-independent news organizations. (Full-time health reporters who have health professional licenses could qualify for other categories depending on their employers. In no case can they join if they pitch stories to journalists or oversee others who do.)

Special international offer! Journalists residing outside the United States may sign up for half the cost of an Allied Health care provider membership. Please be sure to check "International" on your application form.

Allied category member rates

Health Care Provider

  • 1-year membership $60 
  • 2-year membership $108 
    (Save 10%)
  • 3-year membership $153 
    (Save 15%)

Allied-Foundation Official

Officials with nonpartisan/nonprofit and independent foundations that focus on health, health care, or journalism issues; or nonprofit organizations focused on journalism.

Foundation officials

  • 1-year membership $90 
  • 2-year membership $162
    (Save 10%)
  • 3-year membership $230
    (Save 15%)

Join as Allied

Allied - 2 year

2 year Allied Health Care Provider membership - $108 two-year membership (Save 10%)
2 year Allied Foundation Official membership - $162 two-year membership (Save 10%)

Join as Allied - 2 year

Allied - 3 year

3 year Allied Health Care Provider membership - $153 three-year membership (Save 15%)
3 year Allied Foundation Official membership - $230 three-year membership (Save 15%)

Join as Allied - 3 year

Allied - 6-month

6-month Allied Health Care Provider membership - $30

Join as Allied - 6-month