Event Policies

AHCJ Fundraising Policy

The Association of Health Care Journalists and the Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism seeks to minimize the possibility and appearance of inappropriate influence from outside parties. The association imposes strict limitations on the sources of its funding and embraces transparency, independence and sustainability when evaluating whether to accept funds from outside parties.

Any uncertainty over a potential funder or the funding arrangement will be referred to the board of directors.

We recognize that a fundraising policy is a work in progress and may need to be revised from time to time, with input from our members. In all cases, AHCJ will strive to be both editorially independent and financially viable.

Learn more about our policy. 

Interested in becoming an exhibitor at this year’s conference? We primarily accept support from the following kinds of organizations:

  • Media companies; media foundations; medical journals

  • Nonprofit, nonpartisan foundations not controlled by commercial firms

  • Nonpartisan research organizations

  • Publicly funded agencies, universities and hospitals

  • Nonprofit colleges/universities

  • Individual nonprofit academic medical centers that are members of AAMC or major teaching affiliates of AACOM member schools

  • Other educational institutions with an interest in improving the quality of health care journalism consistent with the mission of AHCJ

If you are another kind of organization, we may require additional information from you before accepting you as an exhibitor. For example, if your organization is a:

  • Not-for-profit association or society that represents those who sell health care services or who lobby legislators on health care issues

  • Nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation controlled by commercial firms or their representatives

If that better describes your organization, please submit the following information to Susan at susan@healthjournalism.org:

  • Link to your website’s About Us page

  • Link to your website’s Board of Directors page

  • A brief paragraph about why you want to meet hundreds of journalists covering health