Homelessness and Health: An AHCJ Summit

Housing is a health care issue. |
Research leaves little doubt about the negative impact a lack of a place to call home has on people’s health. The toll on mental and emotional health is enormous, alongside the physical harms. People experiencing homelessness are more vulnerable to becoming victims of crime, especially women, and more likely to experience a medical emergency. Unsurprisingly, the life expectancy of people who are unhoused is significantly lower than for the general population. Alarms are sounding about the nation’s aging, unhoused population. |
We’re going to dig into this complicated issue at our fall summit Nov. 2-3 in Oakland, Calif. Setting aside the politics while being mindful of the myths surrounding homelessness, we’ll bring together experts, journalists and people with lived experience to talk about: |
Hotel Book your hotel room in the AHCJ block here. Registrations made after Oct. 13 will not include meals. Air Rapid Transit Rail Water Car Washington Street And Embarcadero West Garage (Google Maps) LOCAL HOST SPONSORS |
Registration opens on Aug. 29 and closes on Oct. 19. Registrations made after Oct. 13 will not include meals.
Book your hotel room in the AHCJ block at the Waterfront Hotel by Oct. 9.
Registration (advance registration includes Thursday breakfast, lunch and reception, and Friday breakfast):
- Members: $50
- Students: $30
- Non-members: $75
- Non-members + a six-month AHCJ membership: $100
- PR/PIO: $150
On-site registration will be available at the event: $50 (On-site registration does not include meals)
For More Information:

Columbia, MO 65205